The Old Age Survivors and Disability Insurance (Social Security) program
The Social Security Program is mostly a retirement program, but it has welfare elements, as well. In addition to providing retirement income for many citizens, it pays for widows, orphans, and disabled persons. Including the employer’s contribution, $12.40 of every $100 earned is paid to the government for the Social Security trust fund. A person is eligible for Social Security income starting at the age of 62. Benefits depend on how many years one has worked, the amount of the total contribution, and the age at which a person retires (retiring earlier will decrease monthly benefits, and retiring later will increase monthly benefits).
Many people feel that the system provides a false sense of security. Workers are led to believe that they will be secure in their retirement days because there is social “security.” Because contributions are not saved for future benefits (the system is pay-as-you-go, i.e. current workers are contributing to current retirees’ benefits), and past administration have used surplus Social Security funds to help pay for the overall budget deficit, Social Security may only serve to provide minimal benefits to those reaching the “golden years.”
Until 2021, the program ran a surplus in its trust fund. However, since 2021, as more Baby Boomers have retired, Social Security has experienced a deficit.
So far, the Social Security program has helped many elderly avoid poverty. The real question is: at what cost? Is there an alternative that is more effective? Can we improve the system?
Privatizing Social Security
Some politicians and economists favor phasing in a privatized retirement program. This allows people to choose their retirement options, and provides potentially higher long-term returns. A privatized system will have to be phased in slowly in order to not financially harm people who currently or soon will receive Social Security income. Most likely, a privatized system will still require people to contribute a certain percentage of their income. However, each individual will have a choice in how to invest these savings. Most likely, the rate of return will be higher than the rate that the government has paid to Social Security recipients. People will need to be better educated though (perhaps through mandatory programs in middle and high schools, or public service announcements in the media) in order to avoid common investing pitfalls.
Medicare, Medicaid, and Unemployment Insurance
The following five programs are the main anti-poverty programs in the United States:
1. Medicare.
Medicare is a federal government financed medical insurance program for eligible people 65 years and older.
2. Medicaid.
Medicaid is a joint federal and state government financed medical insurance assistance for families and individuals who have low incomes.
Medicare and Medicaid have benefited many poor and elderly people by assisting them with their health costs. The programs also have cost taxpayers trillions of dollars during the past decades. The inefficiency with which these programs are run, as well as the increasing fraud (the Office of Management and Budget estimated $86.5 billion in improper payments in 2020), make some economists question whether government programs of this magnitude should continue to exist. They recommend a larger role for local governments that are closer to the people and the problems, and/or a larger role for private charities (once programs are scaled back, the federal government will be able to lower taxes which will allow individuals to help contribute more to private charity causes, and it will also allow more people to pay for private insurance).
3. Unemployment insurance.
Unemployment insurance includes benefits to eligible people who have lost their jobs. Employers bear the brunt of the tax for this fund (employers with a history of laying off more workers pay more). Benefits vary per state and individual (depending upon previous salary). The average compensation is approximately $450 per week (though it increased considerably during the 2020 pandemic). Unemployment Insurance income is taxable. The average duration of benefits is 26 weeks, but Congress frequently passes bills (especially during recessions) allowing extension of benefits. For more information about the Unemployment Insurance program, please click HERE.
4. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps).
The food stamp program SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) provides coupons or electronic payments (debit cards) to needy families. This allows them to purchase basic grocery store items. The average benefit per individual is approximately $150 per month. The program costs the federal government roughly $100 billion per year.
5. Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF).
TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) is what people most often refer to when they discuss welfare. It provides cash payments to families with children, especially those in which one parent (usually the father) has left the house.
As is true for other government welfare programs, economists accuse TANF of being poorly managed and subject to much fraud. Despite benefits to well-deserving recipients, the program may also add to our country’s poverty because of the disincentives it creates for people to work.
Other Government Anti-Poverty Programs
Housing Subsidies
Households below a certain income are eligible for government assistance, which helps pay for their housing expenses. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) operates three major federally-funded programs that provide housing assistance to low-income families: public housing, Section 8 certificates and vouchers, and Section 8 project-based programs. Some states also run small programs providing housing assistance.
Head Start
Low-income households receive assistance for children between the ages of 0 – 5 in the areas of education and early childhood development, medical, dental, mental health, and nutrition. For more information about Head Start, click HERE.
Earned Income Tax Credit
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) provides a tax refund or subsidy to eligible individuals and families who work and have earned income under a certain amount.
Job Training Programs
A variety of job training programs exist. For examples of articles about job training programs, click HERE.
Alternative Courses of Action to Fight Poverty
In order to avoid the main disadvantage of current government welfare programs (that people are better off financially on welfare compared to having a job), economists have suggested the following alternative courses of action.
Privatizing Welfare
Some economists suggest that we may be able to help the truly needy more efficiently through private efforts, such as aid from churches, local charities, neighborhood task forces, friends, and families. If a family is truly in need, these groups will be in a better position to know and will provide help. Many private charities already work effectively to reduce poverty.
Supporters of significantly increased private charity giving argue that if government welfare programs are eliminated, it will free up hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes. This will raise after-tax incomes and will allow income-earning households to better afford to help. They will also feel more responsible to help, instead of relying on the government. Government welfare programs are generally bureaucratic. Government workers typically cannot distinguish whether an individual is truly in need, or whether a person is abusing the system. The welfare programs have also become an industry in itself. Government welfare workers may have a conflict of interest in that they have a vested interest in keeping individuals on welfare in order to preserve their own jobs. Private charity programs, such as local soup kitchens, church initiatives, and Habitat for Humanity, may not be the solution to all poverty problems in a country, but the question we have to ask ourselves is: will it improve the situation compared to the current one?
The Negative Income Tax Program
Some economists, most notably the late Milton Friedman, have suggested replacing all current welfare programs with a negative income tax program.
The negative income tax program proposes to establish an income level (for instance $60,000) above which an individual will pay taxes, but below which an individual would receive a government subsidy (a negative tax).
Below is a table with examples of subsidies at various income levels. The table assumes that the government pays income earners 50% of the difference between their income and $60,000.
Job Earnings | Government Subsidy | Total Income |
$0 | $30,000 (50% of $40,000) | $30,000 |
$10,000 | $25,000 (50% of $50,000) | $35,000 |
$20,000 | $20,000 (50% of $40,000) | $40,000 |
$40,000 | $10,000 (50% of $20,000) | $50,000 |
$60,000 | $0 | $60,000 |
Advantages of this program are that this system is much simpler and easier to administrate, and that workers always take in more money as their work effort increases. This is in contrast to the current welfare system, in which many welfare people find themselves worse off if they were to start a job. A disadvantage of the negative income program remains that it is a government-administered program, and it enables people to receive financial help without having to work a lot for it. But is it a better alternative to what we currently have?
whats the date for this article?
Hi Oliver, thanks for your post. I update all information in the micro and macro text once a year (usually in December).
I like that you said that we may help the poverty through private efforts, such as aid from churches, local charities, friend, and families. My Parents like to help nonprofit organizations and they are always looking for a way to help families in need especially at Christmas time. Thank you for sharing this information with us I’m going to share it with my parents.
Thank you for your feedback and appreciation, Ron.
how many ppl are here for school
i am
I am too lol
Situation: Family of 4 in low income range. Wife works but will not pay all bills. Husband has been a mechanic by trade. It is very difficult for him to find steady work. He is know to have an excellent work ethic. A possible solution is for him to have his own one-man repair garage in a very small town area in eastern Ky. He is a hard worker, middle-age male, married with two children. They do not have money to pay a loan at this time. They are living payday to pay day.
What are the resources for advise and counseling in this area for start-up business?
Morehead State College and Big Sandy Community College are near by, Do they have
staff to provide info and support in starting a new business.
i feel like im being brainwashed reading this text. god i wish i just had a normal textbook with citations and peer review
Hi Darryl, thank you for your feedback. I am sorry to read that you are not happy with this text. I started writing these two texts (macro and microeconomics) 25 years ago per a request from the college to help save text book costs for our students. Before the first edition I read and analyzed twelve then popular standard economics text books, in addition to studying several texts to which I was heavily exposed during my graduate studies (Reisman, Hazlitt, Friedman, Ayn Rand). Each year since then, I have revised these online texts. Along the way, I have received peer comments from a variety of economics professors and colleagues in general, as well as many students. I have made many changes based on their feedback. These two texts are also full of source citations. I understand that you may not agree with some or a lot of things in these texts because everyone has their own beliefs. You stated somewhere that the text is very biased. It is true that I a am a believer in the free market, but that doesn’t right away mean that the content is not true. What I mean by that is that there are advantages and disadvantages of any system and I happen to believe that there are more advantages to the free market than disadvantages. I respect that you disagree with this belief because eventually it comes down to subjective preferences. I can actually relate to what you are saying because before entering grad school I thought like you and was radically opposed to the free market and supported a socialist economy. This is because I was heavily influenced by my economics courses in the Netherlands, which had a strong socialist bias. When I was exposed to another point of view in grad school, I had a chance to see different viewpoints and I tried to be open-minded about accepting these different ideas. Eventually, I put the two schools of thought next to each other and (after also reading a lot more about classical and Austrian economics) concluded that the latter made a lot more sense. The reason why I am not afraid to insert my support for the free market in these texts is because the vast majority of standard economics texts are biased the other way (pro socialist ideas, pro Keynesian). My guess is that you like these texts better because you happen to support these ideas and therefore they do not appear to be biased to you. However, I ask you to be open minded and consider other points of view (which is the definition of critical thinking). Now, if there is something factually untrue in my texts, please let me know and I will gladly accept your feedback. But when it comes to subjective viewpoints, I do believe that it is very beneficial to read many different ones and then draw your conclusions accordingly. I am proud of the texts, the knowledge it has instilled to students around the world ( has nearly 3 million page views as of this writing) and the combined total of millions of dollars it has saved our students. In unit 7 of the macro part, I express my dissatisfaction with our government’s (Federal Reserve) creation of inflation. comes at price of zero dollars. What a way to fight inflation!