Per Capita GDP

Per capita GDP is the value of gross domestic product per individual of a country. If nominal GDP is $29.4 trillion (the approximate 2024 GDP of the United States), and its population is 340 million (the approximate 2024 U.S. population), then 2024 U.S. per capita GDP is $86,470 ($29.4 trillion divided by 340 million).

For a video explanation of how per capita GDP is calculated, please watch:

Below is a table of the countries with the highest per capita GDP in the world. While the United States and China are first and second in total (nominal) GDP, countries such as Luxembourg, Macao (a region in China), Ireland, Singapore, and Qatar top the list in per capita GDP in 2024.  According to the International Monetary Fund, the United States per capita GDP ranks 9th of all countries in the world and China ($17,000) is 70th. African countries such as Burundi, South Sudan, and Malawi have the lowest per capita GDP at approximately $200 – $500 per person per year. For a full and updated list of GDP and per capita GDP amounts for every country in the world, visit (

Country/Area Most Recently Reported Per Capita GDP (in 1,000s of US dollars, rounded to the nearest $1,000)
Luxembourg 144
Macao 134
Ireland 134
Singapore 134
Qatar 112
UAE 97
Switzerland 92
San Marino 87
United States 86
Norway 83
Guyana 80
Denmark 78
Brunei 78
Taiwan 77
World (Gross World Product) 13

Source: (